Stories with global majority characters at centre

EDUCATION professionals in Bristol worked together to create a free scheme of work in response to the lack of diverse GCSE texts on diversity. 

The Lit Legacies project is based on the play Princess and the Hustler by Chinonyerm Odimba. It centres on Bristol, including the Bus Boycott in 1963.

It was launched at Fairfield High School and the guests included Barbara Dettering, one of the seven Saints of St Pauls, who features on the mural in the school’s atrium. 

Lit Legacies’ team includes UWE Bristol lecturers Amy Saleh and Malcolm Richards, plus English teachers Cashan Campbell (Fairfield High School), Tanisha Hicks-Beresford (Bristol Cathedral Choir School) and DeMarco Ryans (St John The Baptist School). 

Ms Campbell said: “This has been a considerably rewarding and enriching experience for me. I grew up in Bristol, came to school at Fairfield and my beloved Nanny was one of the Seven Saints of St Paul’s. Lit Legacies represents stories of global majority characters, perspectives and life experiences.”