Sponsored fast for food charity

ANDREW Milton is planning to go without food for 48 hours this month – to highlight efforts to support those who would otherwise go hungry every month.

Andrew’s fast, from 5pm on Wednesday March 6 to the same time on Friday March 8, is raising money for Family Food Action.

Andrew and his family have donated food and toiletries to FFA, which collects donations from local groups and sends them out to organisations that help families and children in food poverty.

He said: “When I was young, people did not have to choose between heating and eating. We have seen this situation get increasingly worse over the last fourteen years.

“I want to do something that directly contributes to preventing kids going to school hungry, doctors having to prescribe ‘food’ because someone is malnourished, or in some cases, people actually dying of hunger. This is happening now in our own city and country, one of the richest in the world.

“The FFA’s work should not be seen as a solution, we need to end this situation, but until then foodbanks are a literal lifeline for many families and I want to help as much as I can.”

FFA started in lockdown following concerns from teachers in some parts of Bristol about food poverty. Residents in Effingham Road, next to St Andrew’s Park, started a food collection for those schools. The group expanded across north Bristol and now about 40 streets are involved.

Some supporters have now switched to financial donations, enabling FFA to buy in bulk.

Supplies are also boosted by regular supermarket collections and support from businesses. The food and hygiene products are sorted by volunteers and delivered to five community partners in Southmead, Lockleaze, St Paul’s, Easton and Eastville, as well as being offered to families at a weekly food club at The Ardagh

You can find Andrew’s Just Giving page at http://tinyurl.com/bdhj3cvy