Laura is Tories’ choice to contest Bristol North West

Laura Saunders has been selected as the Conservative Party candidate for Bristol North West.

Laura, 35, can count at least seven generations of her family that have lived or worked in Bristol, including herself as she was born in Southmead Hospital She is engaged and lives in Bristol.

She is campaigning for new train stations and better transport links, more services for Southmead Hospital, better infrastructure, safer streets, to stop Labour’s parking charges, and to restore access to Stoke Lodge playing field.

Following her selection, Laura said: “I am delighted to have been selected as the new prospective Conservative MP for Bristol North West. As a resident of Bristol, I have first-hand experience of the issues caused by the Labour Party’s horrific mismanagement of our city.

“Marvin Rees’ clean air zone, the banning of private vehicles from the city centre, the irregular bus service, and the waste of taxpayer money on Dan Norris’s Free Birthday Month Bus Pass scheme have all been a huge waste of public money and must be rectified. I am determined to challenge the dogmatic approach Labour has taken to managing our wonderful city. If elected, I am committed to delivering on my six-point plan and being a strong voice for the residents of Bristol North West and help get our great city moving.”