Free tennis to end?

Residents are being asked for their views on a proposed change to how Dingle Close tennis courts in Sea Mills are run, maintained, and paid for.

The council wants the courts to join the ‘Parks Tennis Operating Model’ that has been successfully used at other sites, including Canford Park.

Currently Dingle Close tennis courts do not have a booking system in place and residents can only use them on an ad-hoc basis for free. The proposed change would mean residents would pay a small fee to use the facilities but would be able to book a slot in advance to be sure the court is available. Tennis operator and sports charity, Wesport, would be responsible for the management and operation of the courts, including all repairs and maintenance.

Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, said: “As a council we can no longer afford to maintain and operate Dingle Close tennis courts in the way we do now. Both courts need resurfacing, and the court markings need repainting. That’s why we’re proposing that Dingle Close join our successful Parks Tennis Operating Model.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for the local community who would be able to enjoy the much-needed repairs and restoration on the courts. Wesport would also bring in an accessible and inclusive tennis programme which would include tennis coaching opportunities, competitively-priced coaching for children, community tennis initiatives, and opportunities for residents to play for free.

“I encourage you all to look at what we are proposing to understand the benefits that joining the Parks Tennis Operating Model would provide to the local community. It would mean the courts are regularly maintained and facilities are improved.”

The consultation closes at midnight Sunday 10 December 2023. To view the proposal and complete out the survey visit