Outcry over ‘ugly’ shopfront

A brash new shopfront on Coldharbour Road has been criticised as an eyesore and “insult to the area”, amid claims that the old features were ripped out and thrown on a skip.

Eighteen people have formally objected to the look of the new One Stop shop.  

Westbury Park Community Association (WPCA) has complained to the company, which is owned by Tesco, and asked Bristol City Council to reject the proposal and force the shop to remove the signage.

The One Stop convenience store opened in late August at number 116, in the former Electric Bike Shop, on the junction with Harcourt Road. 

The muted greys of the previous business have been

replaced with bright blue and red signs, with huge full colour posters of produce filling most of the street windows.

One Stop applied for planning permission for the signage in June, but went ahead and installed it, despite the application not having yet been decided by BCC.

One resident wrote in opposition to the planning application, on the BCC planning portal, that the signage and window displays were “oversized” and so “garish” they would distract passing motorists.

Another said: “I am objecting to the new aluminium windows and the vinyl stickers proposed, it will not be in keeping with existing shops and area. 

“I was told that any new windows are to be made like-for-like, so as the original is wood, the wood should be used. Stickers covering the whole windows will be an eyesore in this lovely area.”

Several local people said in their comments that they were not against the convenience store, which is open from 7am to 9pm. But they say the design has ruined the street appearance.

WPCA planning co-ordinator Jeff Bishop has encouraged other local people to have their say on the BCC portal.

In a letter to One Stop he explained that WPCA works to protect and enhance the environment and amenity of Westbury Park.

The letter says: “Your company have chosen to install the window panels (and presumably soon the lighting) before the planning application for those changes has been determined. 

“Can you confirm that you will follow the law by removing these features if enforcement action is now taken and/or if the planning application is refused?”

“The vinyl panels and the main fascia above are designed in a way that is totally out of place in our residential neighbourhood; we are not a shopping centre or in a city centre.”

Jeff said the building, while not listed, was recognised by the council as a landmark.

“Its shop front included a number of historic features which were ripped out to create the changes to the store. 

“We know that because they were seen at the time in a skip.”

“The window vinyls have the audacity to say ‘Working with Coldharbour Road’ when there has never been a single contact either in preparation for the works, during the works or since with any of the local traders, several of whom may well find their businesses unviable as a result of your actions.In summary, your whole approach to this new store is insulting to our community and our area.”

The Voice has approached One Stop for comment.