Our art’s on show at the RWA!

RESIDENTS  at Trymview Hall, on Southmead Road, have been highly commended in a local art competition.

They entered The Brain Art Competition run by Royal West of England Academy (RWA) and the University of Bristol. 

Focusing on the theme of ‘connections’, residents worked together to create wax rubbings of a selection of foraged natural materials, including leaves and seed heads, arranged in the shape of a brain.

Residents were thrilled to be highly commended in the community groups category.

To celebrate their success, Jean Gazzard, 92, and Maureen Bailey, 87, attended a prize-giving ceremony at the RWA where they were able to see their work on display, as well as receive a certificate commending the home’s efforts.

Speaking of the event, Maureen said: “I love the art we created – we had a lot of fun and worked really well together! It was wonderful to have it recognised like this and displayed at the gallery.”

As part of an ongoing initiative between the home and RWA, residents also attend dementia-friendly gallery viewings and tours of new exhibitions, as well as having the opportunity to participate in art projects, often led by an in-house artist. 

Nicola Wolff-Donitz, of Trymview Hall, said: “Residents were incredibly excited to see their hard work on display.

“Many of the residents here at Trymview Hall love art – and it’s a great way to support wellbeing and independence, as well as being a lot of fun. It was great to listen the residents share stories of nature from their own lives – fond memories of days spent in the garden and woodland walks – as well as learn some interesting facts.”