Hospice opens ‘flagship shop’ 

THE doors have opened on the latest charity shop for St Peter’s Hospice.

 The shop, which can be found at 112-114 Whiteladies Road, is the 43rd shop for the hospice and will be the charity’s flagship store.

 The décor reflects the vibrant nature of the Clifton location, giving the shop an elevated look and feel, using bold colours, neon signs and an emphasis on sustainable design. It’s a great backdrop for the eye-catching clothing, vintage treasures and unique items which can all be discovered in store.

Long-time supporter of St Peter’s Hospice, BBC Points West’s  Alex Lovell,  raised a toast to the opening declaring: “I hope you raise squillions here. Cheers to the shop and its opening!

 “Anybody who knows the area has probably been touched by St Peter’s Hospice or knows somebody whose family have been there.

 “We can’t all dig deep at the moment, but we’ve probably got some stuff up in the attic or have some clothes that we don’t fit into that we could bring out and donate and help to raise money for the hospice.”

 St Peter’s Hospice retail director, John Broomhead, thanked shop manager, Thom Madine, and the staff and volunteers who’ve been working behind the scenes to get the shop looking fabulous for opening. 

John Broomhead said: “We’re really delighted with the look and feel. While this shop appeals to a younger buyer, we have stock that caters for all the family.

 “Thank you to the people of Bristol who’ve supported us with their fabulous donations – it wouldn’t be possible without you.”

 The retail division is important to the Brentry hospice as it helps to provide a source of stable funding. Frank Noble, CEO of St Peter’s Hospice says: “At the moment our fundraising is down but our retail is up and it’s going to stay up because the quality is so amazing. It means that we are able to plan ahead and provide for our clinical services.”

St Peter’s Hospice flagship shop is open from 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Saturday and from 10am-4pm on Sunday. The shop operates a daily quiet hour between 9.30- 10.30am (10 – 11am on Sundays).